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Is it supposed to be like this? lol


Uhhh.. yh this has happened to me before but goes away when you reload lighting


you should make glowstone semi-solid

Yh, that make sense, it definitely is a pain when traversing the nether

Can I download the HTML file? And if you want; I made a Windows application of CLONECRAFT. It is my PaperMC clone and if you want, you can download here: Download


The Nether is so much cooler! I can’t wait to see what you do with the NBT data :D Great work!

Yep and then my motivation fell off a cliff lol, I'll share the Sb3 file so u guys can continue it

So you are not continuing this project? :C

OK, you can share the sb3 file, ill see what i can do with it :)
